Sunday, December 11, 2016

Never Rely on the First Answer

The front porch is screened in and the stairway is completed.  The green I-beam will soon be boxed in.

The front fence construction is underway.  The house is located on a dead end street without a good place to turn around.  Things become a muddy mess when it rains.  The fence will prevent my front yard from becoming a rutted turn around spot while containing a possible future dog.

The minimalist kitchen is nearly completed and furnished with new appliances.  I was told, in the first store, refrigerators could not be found with a left side hinge in Belize.  The second store had a refrigerator with provisions to change the hinge side and came with a fully automatic ice maker to boot!  The lesson is repeated, never rely on the first answer you receive in Belize.

The gas stove features a glass panel folded over the burners to expand the counter space.  The panel is hinged to swing up and serve as a back splash when using the burners.

There is good access into the corner cabinet given the bi-fold door arrangement.  I am contemplating building an island to increase the counter and storage space in an area that would otherwise remain unused.  As it is, it is likely to serve all my kitchen needs.

The toilet and bathroom cabinet are installed.  I should have taken a more active role in how things were laid out here.  The sink is tucked into a corner right next to the electrical outlet.  This leaves no counter space to have various grooming appliances left plugged in.  The over head light is off to the left.  I have several ideas on how I might accommodate this awkward arrangement, but I think it best that I live with it for a while until the ultimate solution presents itself.  The simplest suggested solution is to move the electrical outlet.

I tried out the toilet and found the water continued to run.  I lifted the float so it would stop and the threaded on float valve top came off giving me and the bathroom a severe drenching.  No harm done just some birthing pains.

A fancy new, futurist looking, glass topped, washing machine is tucked comfortably into its' closet.  Watching it operate, through the glass top, may be my source of in home entertainment for while.  I'll need a few shelves in there to make better use of the space while possibly doubling as a pantry.  There is room for a dryer, but no money hungry power outlet.  I'm going old school by using a clothesline on the back porch.  I've purchased two pulleys for a stand in one spot while hanging wet clothes operation.

I also purchased my first piece of furniture, a plastic lawn chair.  I'm generally limited to a single item I can carry on my bicycle.  Today it was a coffee maker in my backpack and the lawn chair on the handle bars.  It is how things are done by most Belizians.  Many are seen taking their kids to school on the handle bars and they are skilled at transporting five gallon water jugs by this means.  I'm not inclined to try moving a water jug on my bicycle.

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