Sunday, December 4, 2016

December Easter Eggs

Shopping in Belize is a bit like an Easter egg hunt, you have to look in several places before you find what you are hoping for or find something that is not the golden egg, but will do.  This lesson was reinforced in selecting household fixtures.

The house interior walls are painted, all doors are installed along with the ceiling fans and light fixtures.  On the whole I am satisfied with the lighting items collected in my Easter basket.  Two sconces adorn the walls, four ceiling fan/lights are suspended from the ceiling and two hanging lamps dangle over future kitchen counters way in the back.  The wash room, walk-in closet and bathroom now sport lighting fixtures.   All rooms are open to the ceiling.   The lighting should be very dramatic reflecting off the overhead structure from the various rooms should a person wish to set a mood.

The master bedroom has the ceiling fan/light directly over the bed for those hot nights without a breeze.  A walk in closet is to the right.  The bedroom is dimensioned to accomodate a queen sized bed between the two windows.  The guest bedroom is identical in size, but has only a small closet.

Many images in this blog are composed of multiple images stitched together into a single image that the camera ordinarily couldn't capture.  Stitched images suffer distortions like the apparently curving walls seen above and elsewhere.

The walk-in shower is completed.  The green floor tiles orginally had blue grout, in spite of the grout packaging indicating black.  My contractor immediately corrected this condition in short order.  I expected the grout color change to be a difficult and laborious process.  The double grout lines do not exist, it is an artifact of the image stitching process.

I would have preferred the unsual shower window to be located higher and further away from the shower head, but a mini window shower curtain will suffice.  A second small window over the toilet will help promote drying in this room.

The propane tank is plumbed and ready to supply the stove and water heater.  Adjacent to the propane tank is a water reservoir.  The sometimes low flow city water collects in the reservoir and is then pumped into a pressure reservoir to assure good pressure and flow is available to the upper floor.

The brilliant blue roof is completed as well as all of the siding.  In time the roof will turn a chalky blue maybe more in comfort with the white ground floor.  The treated pine siding will receive a sealant coating.

On a rainy day the crew seeks shelter under plastic sheets for the half hour commute home.

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