Friday, March 27, 2020

Closing In

I've deviated from the plans in the cabin side installations.  The plans call for epoxy fillets to join the bulkheads to the cabin side corners.  Wooden cleats are installed in the corners instead to facilitate the next image's major feature.

A generous radius is applied to all exterior cabin corners.  The wooden cleats strengthen corners that would otherwise be compromised by cutting a large radius.  Radiused corners will give the boat a more finished appearance.  

The bulkheads received arced tops rather than the plan's flat tops.  The cabin roofs will have a gentle curve rather than a crude flat surface.  Cleats are fitted to the upper cabin sides so that they follow the bulkhead's top curve.

The square cut cabin side edges are planed off to flush up with the cleats and bulkhead top curves.

A tool box and bucket serve as stools while working on the outboard cabin sides.  This hull is against the wall.  The hull suspension was altered to provided working room between the wall and the hull.  The space limitation allowed only one outboard hull side to be worked on at a time.  The hull is rotated 90° and almost resting on the ground to improve access to the unfinished inside panel.    

The panels are joined together by an epoxy fillet later covered by fiberglass tape.  At this point the panel has received four sandings.  Two more sandings are required to produce a painted surface.  This is true for all the other the fiberglassed surfaces  I could go on to whine about sanding more, but I'll just leave this as a teaser to a subject covered more fully in earlier episodes.

Above the steps are provisions for a washboard.  A washboard is not used for laundry, its' function is to prevent water from washing in.  A quadrilateral wash board will slip into the openings groove and close up the boat's interior.

Above are the two inboard cabin sides are laid next to each other.  The lower one is an exploded arrangement of the washboard components.  The narrower spacer pieces determine the width and depth of the washboard groove surrounding the opening.  Notice that the groove will exist on the left and right sides, but not the bottom.  This will allow any water within the groove to drain out the bottom.  All surfaces within the groove are sheathed in fiberglass for waterproofing.  Both sides of the spacer pieces are fiberglass sheathed to widen the groove and give the washboard an easy slip fit.

The wide and narrow parts must be held in place on the panel and epoxied together before installation.  Clear plastic tape will prevent the parts from adhering to the plywood panel.

The epoxy squeeze out is scraped out of the groove before installation.

Cut off PVC pipe form filler radiuses in the groove corners.  The radiuses prevent water from pooling in the groove corners.  Fiberglass will later reinforce the butt joints on the faces of the wide corner joins.

I could not resist getting ahead of myself and cutting out the starboard cabin top.  It is hard to photograph in the shop's small space, but I think it looks quite rakish.  The main hatch remains to be cut out, but having a top will aid in the layout planning.  The 15th gallon of epoxy was consumed in reaching this completion stage.  The plans estimate that twenty gallons of epoxy are required to  finish the boat.  Thankfully, I have another five gallons of epoxy to apply and turn into sanding dust before it is time to go epoxy shopping.  

The State of Things

The virus has only recently made its appearance in Belize.  A Belizean returned from Los Angeles with the virus to become ill on the island of Ambergris Caye.  Her mother also became ill as a result, but these are the only known cases as of yet.  Those on the island are confined to the island for the time being.

This event caused an immediate change locally.  Most business are closed and face masks are common.  Some public transportation and some basic foodstuffs are not available, welcome to the coronaverse.  If this continues for long it will be very difficult for the average Belizean who faces struggles to make ends meet in the best of times.

Right away, Cuba sent sixty doctors to help Belize deal with the virus outbreak.  It appears U.S. state governors would get more action by lobbying Cuba for help rather than the always butt hurt, very stable jackass.  A full measure of my disgust is better suited for other venues.  

Belize Scooter Travel Advisory 

I was enjoying a scooter ride and the resulting breeze during a trip home with a grocery load.  I was taking it slow and easy as a dozen eggs in a bag would not survive a monster pothole encounter.  I was so focused on the potholes that I failed to notice a very large black snake crossing the road.  The snake reared up as I scootered close to only then enter my awareness.  MAJOR FREAK OUT!!!  Thankfully, the snake folded back on himself and returned to the bush.